St. Augustine says, “The one who sings prays twice.”
Christ the King’s worship is deepened by music. Worship begins with a musical prelude that sets tone. Our first shared action as God’s people is to sing together, and everyone lifts their voice. The typical worship has a minimum of four hymns, coming primarily from the 1982 Hymnal, the Lift Every Voice and Sing hymnal, as well as some popular formerly contemporary music.
Christ the King’s choir are all members of the congregation, and offer an anthem every week. Unlike most choirs, they don’t sit at the front but actually sit in the congregation. This arrangement allows families to worship together, as well as supports congregational singing. It also means the choir comes to the front of the church for the anthem, but does not have to fuss with vestments or robes.
- Choir Rehearsal is held on Thursday at 7pm from September through June
One Sunday in June is dedicated to choir Sunday, and a selection of anthems is presented during the sermon time, and choir members pick all the hymns and music. It is a joy celebration and congregational favorite.